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  • bernardlosborne

Learning the Twos Step

Updated: Jun 14, 2022

Once before working on a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis with a team, someone mentioned to never end the analysis on threats: that ending on a negative would detract from the purpose and demotivate the participants. Our team heeded this advice and ended our analysis focusing on opportunities and strengths. Doing so provided greater motivation towards our purpose and mission.

Recently I received some news of a major decision that was a 180° change from what I originally understood. My initial reflex reaction was strong opposition and disapproval. But, once separated from the situation, and after some contemplation and authentic conversation, I was reminded of Heifetz’s quote, “what people resist is not change… but loss.”

I realized that my resistance stemmed from focusing on what I was losing, and that reminded me of that past SWOT analysis. What if I rearranged the acronym to instead read TWOS? Because when I thought about this change using this new order, my path forward suddenly became clearer and more positive. Then, when I had to announce this change to others in the team, using this format helped to ease their shock and create hope for the future.

Sometimes we have little to no control in decisions that get made, but what we do have control over is how we react to them. Artists and leaders have a passion to serve and grow others, and this is where your artistry in leadership comes into play. Learning the TWOS step can be another important tool in your leadership toolbox.

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